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22 Days of Hope: Day 21

Red Deer Counselling

  • 31 October 2016
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 15903
22 Days of Hope: Day 21

Struggling with her son’s anger management issues and her husband’s depression, Jacquie – and her family – were able to establish a stronger unity through our counselling services in Red Deer.

Prior to the family meeting together with one of our counsellors, Jacquie had been feeling stressed, anxious, and guilty. She was getting calls from her son’s school about his behaviour, and was struggling to pull her husband Scott, who had lost his job, out of his depression. Disappointed with his inability to financially provide for his family, Scott had begun drinking and was withdrawing from his wife and son. As a result, the two parents frequently argued.

The arguments not only created additional stress for Jacquie, they also reminded her of how her dad talked to her mom when he drank – and of the verbal abuse Jacquie herself would receive from her father when she tried to protect her mom.

Scott said that his fights over the family’s finances with Jacquie made him feel worse, as he already felt guilty about being unemployed and didn’t want to feel worse about himself. Like Jacquie, he also worried about Liam’s choice of friends. With some encouragement, Scott agreed to undergo individual counselling to overcome his alcohol addiction.

With her husband seeking help in a separate session, Jacquie was able to process the emotional impact of her parents arguing when she was younger. This allowed her to evoke security in herself, creating emotional regulation, and clearer boundaries. Thanks to her improving self-esteem, she felt safe and accepted. As she grew personally, she noticed that her husband was also being more open, and that they had begun to work as a team.

Liam's anger issues also started to subside when he saw his parents begin to repair their relationship.

With the generosity of our Sign of Hope supporters, ministries like our counselling services in Red Deer are able to make a difference in the lives of those we serve.

*The names of the people in this story have been changed to protect their identity.

Categories: News, 22 Days of Hope