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CSS launches $2.8 million Sign of Hope campaign to meet the needs of vulnerable Albertans.

From Surviving on the Street to Providing Frontline Support: An Inspiring Journey of Hope and Help

  • 2 October 2024
  • Author: EScott
  • Number of views: 3391

“Change is tough,” says Thomas. “The drive to change has to come from within, but having someone on your side during your lowest moments, someone who cares, can make all the difference.”

These powerful words are from a man who knows the harsh realities of living on the streets. Thomas had a difficult start to life. His mother coped with painful challenges through drug use, resulting in her children being taken away from her. Separated from his mom and little brother, Thomas’ life took a severe turn.

As a teenager his home was on the streets, getting involved in illegal activities and associating with criminals for survival. At times he held good jobs with decent pay, but his addiction was too strong, and ultimately he lost all he had. Drugs became his escape from the bitter realities of street life and his days revolved around the relentless cycle of drug-induced peaks, near-death overdoses, and unbearable withdrawals.

He knew he had to make a change before it was too late.

Thomas turned to his faith to help navigate his rough going, finding encouragement and non-judgmental support, and eventually overcoming his addiction! It wasn’t an easy journey.

More recently, while working at his church, he learned of a new outreach position to help Edmonton’s unhoused through Catholic Social Services (CSS). Having lived on the streets himself for a long time, Thomas knew he had a unique perspective and that he had something rare to offer. So, he applied for the position.

Today, Thomas is a key frontline staff member of the CSS ‘Care-a-Van’ team.

CSS’ new Care-a-Van outreach program was created to provide essentials like food, water, socks, underwear, and other basic necessities to unhoused people living outside the downtown core. Importantly, it also offers the opportunity for moments of genuine human encounter – someone to talk to, connect with, or just seek advice from.

“It’s about meeting people where they are, and letting them know you care,” said Thomas. “It may take several times, but you just have to keep asking, ‘Are you ready to make a change yet?’ It’s the best feeling when the day comes that they say - yes.”

Thomas prevailed over a difficult past and now finds purpose in helping those whose shoes he was once in himself. It is an inspiring turnaround story that unveils the mighty power of resilience and hope!

Because of your generous donations to Catholic Social Services & Sign of Hope, we enable thousands of people to put their life on a new path every year – people like Thomas.

I know that someone right now is ready to say “yes” to making a positive change in their life. And, they just need a hand-up. That hand can be yours. When you invest in hope, miracles can truly happen!

This year, the T.R. (Terry) Mahon Foundation will match gifts to Sign of Hope to a cumulative maximum of $100,000! Get your gift in soon to take advantage of this opportunity.

