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Elder Abuse Resource and Supports Ministry honoured at Inspiration Award

  • 8 November 2016
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 6027
Elder Abuse Resource and Supports Ministry honoured at Inspiration Award

Our Elder Abuse Resource and Supports Ministry (EARS) was honoured with a distinguished Inspiration Award from Alberta Human Services on November 4.

The award, for Leadership in Prevention of Elder Abuse, was handed out for the first time, and was created in honour of November being the 30th anniversary for Family Violence Prevention Month.

The work that our EARS ministry completes each day is not shy of complexities and multifaceted challenges. However, with the hard work and dedication of our staff, we continue to seek out the best way to support the elderly we see and talk to everyday.

Our nominators made mention in their recommendation that we are “excellent in helping the victims of abuse recognize that they do not have to accept their situation and provides excellent practical support.”

The Inspiration Award could not have been given at a better time when our ministry seeks out collaborative and innovative ways to support the elderly in the Edmonton area.

From manning the intake line, to providing court support, to obtaining emergency protection orders, and scheduling home visits, we are not in any shortage of being creative to support Edmonton’s aging population.

It is a great honour for us to be named among 21 other dynamic individuals, groups, and organizations who also received Inspiration Awards last week for their outstanding service in their respective fields. And we are thrilled to share this provincial recognition as we move forward. We hope to continue to see God work through us and in us to show His unwavering love in the people that we serve.
