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Help those struggling with mental health

  • 9 April 2020
  • Author: CSS Admin
  • Number of views: 3032
Help those struggling with mental health

Many individuals are adjusting to a life in isolation and are feeling scared and uncertain about what tomorrow will bring.

Our counselling staff are working around the clock to help individuals in Edmonton, Red Deer, Lloydminister and Wetaskiwin, cope with their feelings of despair.  

In total, nearly 700 individuals and families rely on our counselling services each year, and we are already seeing an increased demand for these programs. 

Our registered clinical counsellors are committed to helping people in our communities navigate this challenging time, regardless of their financial means. 

Sign of Hope already allows us to provide subsidized clinical counselling to those in need, and your donation will ensure we can extend this service to even more people. 

Please help us ensure no one in crisis has to suffer alone. 

Your donation will help us provide a counselling session to an individual or family who otherwise could not afford this support. 

Please, join us and Choose Hope for individuals experiencing a mental health crisis as a result of COVID-19.

Categories: Stories of Hope