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Sign of Hope Raises $3.2 million

As the pandemic rages on, Albertans focus on supporting vulnerable people in their community 

  • 8 February 2022
  • Author: Laura Ruddock
  • Number of views: 6892
Sign of Hope Raises $3.2 million

Catholic Social Services (CSS) announced today that the annual Sign of Hope fundraising campaign raised $3.2 million for programs and services supporting vulnerable Albertans. In recent years it costs CSS $3.4 million to operate Sign of Hope programs. This year’s fundraising total means that for the first time since 2014 the agency will almost entirely be able to meet the planned funding need for Sign of Hope programs.   Catholic Social Services is one of the largest providers of social services to vulnerable people in western Canada. Donations to CSS’ Sign of Hope campaign funds programs which are unable to rely solely on government funding to meet the high community demand.

“We continue to feel humbled by the generosity of Albertans,” says Dr. Troy Davies, CEO. “These are tough times for many, and our community has stepped up to provide meaningful support to vulnerable people.” 

Catholic Social Services has seen an increase in demand for many of its Sign of Hope funded programs since the pandemic began. In 2021 the agency served thousands of vulnerable Albertans, including:  

  • More than 10,000 newcomers to Canada; 
  • Nearly 150 women and children escaping violence;  
  • 100 youth at risk of, or experiencing, sexual exploitation and human trafficking; 
  • 50 recently-housed Edmontonians;  
  • And more than 1,750 Albertans in need of mental health support and counselling services. 

Sign of Hope accepts donations throughout the year and runs a dedicated fundraising campaign each fall, from September to December. Anyone interested in donating can do so online at or by calling 780-439-HOPE(4673). “Our goal is to support vulnerable Albertans today, tomorrow and beyond. Community support is a crucial ingredient in making this happen. We are so grateful to everyone who offered us support,” says Dr. Davies. 

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