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Supper brings Wainwright together for Hope

  • 7 November 2016
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 6629
Supper brings Wainwright together for Hope

Over 120 guests joined us at our annual Wainwright Spaghetti Supper on Saturday, October 22.  Held at Blessed Sacrament Church, the event is a yearly fundraiser in support of our Agency’s Fall Sign of Hope campaign.

Guests brought their appetite to the event, as they enjoyed a hearty pasta dinner prepared by the Wainwright staff. In addition to the main course, a wide array of homemade desserts was also donated by local community groups, to satisfy the sweet tooth of many at the event.

Central Director Lori Marchand led the night’s program with fun games and giveaways, and VP of Community Engagement Bruce Klanke also shared a brief video highlighting the wonderful impact our volunteers make.

For more information on the Sign of Hope and the highlighted ministries the annual appeal supports, check out our 22 Days of Hope series.



Categories: Community