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Working with the Government of Alberta to ensure Fairness for Newcomers

  • 20 June 2019
  • Author: Laura Ruddock
  • Number of views: 18376
Working with the Government of Alberta to ensure Fairness for Newcomers

Catholic Social Services was honoured to join the Premier Jason Kenney, Minister Jason Copping, and Parlimentary Secretary Muhammad Yaseen at the Alberta Legislature on June 19, 2019 for the introduction of Bill 11, the Fair Registration Practices Act. 

Bill 11 is a key component of the Government of Alberta's Fairness to Newcomers Action Plan, which aims to break down unfair barriers to full economic inclusion of new Albertans. 

Foreign credential recognition has long been an issue of concern in the national and provincial settlement sector.

Delayed, protracted, complex, and non-recognition of foreign educational credentials by many Canadian professional associations makes it challenging for immigrants and refugees to access professional jobs within their area of specialty, consequently leading to their under employment, unemployment, and other social challenges.

The proposed legislation will reduce the red tape associated with the assessment of foreign credentials and work with regulators to ensure registration practices are transparent, objective, impartial, and fair, while maintaining the Province of Alberta's high standards. 

Before the announcement, Dr. Troy Davies, CEO, Catholic Social Services, joined Premier Kenney, Minister Copping, and representatives from professional regulatory organizations and settlement agencies for a listening exercise, where they heard stories from newcomers who have personally experienced difficulties having their credential recognized. This roundtable offered valuable insight into the true impact this Bill will have on newcomers, their careers, and their families.

Categories: Community, News