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As the Ukrainian resettlement crisis deepens, CSS appeals to Albertans for support

Agency needs to raise at least $100,000 to meet increased demand for services

  • 24 February 2023
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 7620
As the Ukrainian resettlement crisis deepens,  CSS appeals to Albertans for support

Edmonton (February 23, 2023) – Catholic Social Services (CSS) is making an urgent appeal to Albertans for help. With hundreds of Ukrainians arriving in central and northern Alberta each week, alongside an influx of refugees from countries such as Afghanistan, Eritrea, and Syria, the agency needs to raise at least $100,000 to help meet the increased demand for services. 

Catholic Social Services faces a surge in demand

CSS launches $2.6 million Sign of Hope campaign to meet the needs of vulnerable Albertans. 

  • 22 September 2022
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 8153
Catholic Social Services faces a surge in demand

Catholic Social Services’ staff face unprecedented demands for assistance as they face crises both locally and international. In just one area of the agency’s work, refugee resettlement, over the past year, CSS has resettled more than 800 Afghan refugees, and supported hundreds of Ukrainian Nationals across central Alberta. This is in addition to the agency’s typical refugee caseload, which involves resettling as many as 900 government assisted and privately sponsored refugees each year, from across the globe.  

Christmas celebrations were a whole lot different for Mu Go and Moo Aua Go.

  • 4 January 2021
  • Author: Webmonton
  • Number of views: 3393
Christmas celebrations were a whole lot different for Mu Go and Moo Aua Go.

Christmas celebrations were a whole lot different in the refugee camp Mu Go and Moo Aua Go lived in for most of their lives. In fact, there was very little cause to celebrate at all. Access to food, health care, and education was scarce, and without these basic necessities, the siblings suffered. Their teenage brother, Sa Nay, was severely physically disabled and could not walk, and had medical needs that went untreated. His only chance was resettlement in another country.

Catholic Social Services cares for vulnerable women during "shadow pandemic"

  • 25 November 2020
  • Author: CSS Admin
  • Number of views: 3188
Catholic Social Services cares for vulnerable women during "shadow pandemic"

Domestic abuse has been referred to as COVID-19's "shadow pandemic." How has Catholic Social Services responded to the increased need for support? Watch Global's Trending to find out.

For Agnes, Hope Starts Here

  • 16 November 2020
  • Author: CSS Admin
  • Number of views: 3803
For Agnes, Hope Starts Here

When our team found Agnes, her cupboards were empty, she had no medication to manage her illnesses, and no phone to call for the help she so desperately needed.