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22 Days of Hope: Day 12

Welcome Home

  • 18 October 2016
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 20241
22 Days of Hope: Day 12

A volunteer-based ministry, Welcome Home provides companionship to individuals and families making the transition from homelessness into a home. 

Offered by our Community Outreach and Disability Service since 2012, and in collaboration with professional housing and support services, Welcome Home’s volunteers help reduce the loneliness and social isolation faced by many newly housed individuals. The bonds formed through this ministry can leave lasting impressions.

Shortly after joining our Welcome Home ministry, Beth was diagnosed with cancer and moved to Camrose to be closer to her family. Despite her relocation, Beth’s Edmonton-based Welcome Home volunteers Joy and Macie continued to support her every day through phone calls and texts, as well as with the occasional visit.

When Joy and Macie visited Beth last spring, they brought her two presents for her birthday: a jogging suit and a dress for her daughter’s wedding in the fall. Sadly, this would be the last time they saw Beth, as she lost her battle with cancer four days later.

Saddened that they were unable to attend Beth’s memorial in Camrose, Joy and Macie arranged their own in Edmonton that was held on the same day. To this day, her memory lives on through their work at Welcome Home.

Through building relationships like the one Joy and Macie had with Beth, our volunteers provide respect and acceptance for the strengths and gifts of each person.

Supported by our annual Sign of Hope appeal, our aim is to help those we serve in Welcome Home feel truly at home in their new communities – no matter where they are – and to heal them from the stigma of being homeless.

*The name of Beth has been changed to protect her privacy, and the picture is not representative of the people in this story. 

Categories: News, 22 Days of Hope

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