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22 Days of Hope: Day 22

What your support means

  • 1 November 2016
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 14227
22 Days of Hope: Day 22

In the 1500s, St. Peter Claver spent most of his life in Colombia welcoming people who were brought to that country in the horrific slave trade. St. Claver often took a small boat out to greet these, his fellow human beings, with food, water, and clothing while they were still chained on their ships. He would also spend time visiting leprosy patients in hospitals, and visiting prisoners. His message to all of these people was simple: You matter.

St. Claver’s message is the same message our Sign of Hope supporters send to the people in our care. Regardless of their need or situation in life, they, as creations and children of God, truly matter.

Specifically, the Sign of Hope provides supportive funding for 20 of our ministries. We have celebrated each one of these ministries during the month of October by sharing stories about the lives that our supporters continue to positively affect through their donations.

These stories can be read here, or by clicking on “22 Days of Hope” in the Categories list above our archive and Twitter feed. The linking theme in all of these stories is that of human dignity; the chance to feel loved, appreciated, and respected, no matter the ministry, regardless of the need.

We hope you enjoy taking the time to learn more about what we do at CSS, and that you continue to stay connected with us throughout the remainder of our fall Sign of Hope appeal!

Categories: News, 22 Days of Hope

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