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Archbishop delivers Mass of Thanksgiving homily

  • 8 February 2017
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 7009


During his homily at our Mass of Thanksgiving in January, Archbishop Richard Smith of the Edmonton Archdiocese draws on the similarities between the house blessings our Agency has been conducting over the last several months and that of a rebirth through baptism.

The blessings are being conducted at all of our group homes, and are associated with the renaming of each group home after a Saint or a theological theme. The Saint is selected by the direct care staff of each home and represents the mission of that specific residence.

"(Pope Francis) says understand that you're baptised. Don't just understand it. Own it. Appropriate it, and live what it means to be baptised," the Archbishop said. 

The Mass was held as a thank-you to everyone who supported our agency through prayers, volunteering, and donating in 2016.

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