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Start them young to make a difference

  • 9 April 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 20776
Start them young to make a difference

Dave and Alex Bouferguene are students at the University of Alberta. They are both active runners and are aiming for careers in health sciences.They’re also considered well-known volunteers at Catholic Social Services, having supported the agency since they were 12 and 13-years-old.

The Honourable Kevin Feehan to be recognized with Lifetime Contribution Award

  • 9 April 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 24212
The Honourable Kevin Feehan to be recognized with Lifetime Contribution Award

On Wednesday, April 10, the Honourable Kevin Feehan will be recognized with Catholic Social Services’ (CSS) first inaugural Archbishop J.H. MacDonald Distinguished Lifetime Contribution Award for his outstanding contributions to the agency and those it serves. 

National Volunteer Week - Lifting Communities

  • 8 April 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 19631
National Volunteer Week - Lifting Communities

Happy National Volunteer Week!

“If our hopes of building a better and safer world are to become more than wishful thinking, we will need the engagement of volunteers more than ever.” – Kofi Annan

From April 7 to 13, Catholic Social Services (CSS) will join thousands of other not-for-profits across Canada to celebrate the tremendous contributions and impact of volunteers during National Volunteer Week.

Spring Art Walk

  • 3/29/2019 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 5410
Spring Art Walk

Featuring art created by youth of Catholic Social Services and students of St. Joseph's College. All proceeds will support the artists and Catholic Social Services' Sign of Hope. 

Date: Friday, March 29, 2019
Time: 7 - 9 p.m. 
Location: Telus International Centre (11104 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton)

Students & CSS Clients: $5
Regular Admission: $10

Tickets available at the door or in advance at Catholic Social Services offices. 

For more information: 

Skills for Healthy Family Relationships Workshop - Red Deer

Promoting Healthy Self Esteem in Children & Teens

  • 3/1/2019 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4292

Catholic Social Services' Family Enrichment Program in Red Deer is offering a series of free, educational workshops that focus on enhancing family relationships through increased awareness and understanding of fundamental relational skills. The workshops are open to all parents and caregivers of children ages 3 to 17.