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Catholic Social Services celebrates CEO’s service to Agency

  • 21 July 2017
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 14975
Catholic Social Services celebrates CEO’s service to Agency

Catholic Social Services gives thanks to Stephen Carattini for his wonderful efforts and service as CEO to our Agency over the years.

To celebrate his contributions, a special farewell celebration was held at our West Office on Friday, July 14.

The celebration began with Mass at our chapel, led by Father Stefano Penna from Newman Theological College, and by Distinguished Scholar Father Ian Boyd. The Mass was attended by Stephen and his wife Michelle, staff members, and supporters of our Agency. Father Penna also took a moment during Mass to offer Stephen and Michelle a blessing of fellowship as they prepare to embark on their new journey.

A farewell luncheon followed Mass, where staff members were given the opportunity to share their warm wishes and regards to Stephen and his wife. Stephen was also presented with a parting gift from the Agency that was signed by staff members from all of our service ministries in Edmonton and the Central Region.

We thank Stephen for his leadership, stewardship, and guidance over the past four-and-a-half years. Our agency will continue to move forward in carrying his vision of serving all individuals in our care with humility, compassion, and respect.
