Archbishop delivers Mass of Thanksgiving homily

Archbishop delivers Mass of Thanksgiving homily

During his homily at our Mass of Thanksgiving in January, Archbishop Richard Smith of the Edmonton Archdiocese draws on the similarities between the house blessings our Agency has been conducting over the last several months and that of a rebirth...

Ruach: May the Lord give us peace

As the New Year begins, we hope and pray that the peace and joy wished upon family members and friends and that the love and affection shown them during this season will endure throughout the year and beyond.

New website section recognizes our supporters

New website section recognizes our supporters

We have launched a new section of our website, called Our Supporters, which offers recognition to those who have supported our ministries and have made a difference in the lives of those we serve.


Ruach: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

In our tradition, Christmas is an essential liturgical marker on our spiritual journey. It is a powerful reminder, in the calendar year, that God truly inhabits our human condition.


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